For some reason, all the customizations I already bought are locked again and restarting the game doesn't fix it. The ones I still have equipped and saved to my sketchbook can be reapplied, but it shows them as locked and I can't switch back normally (via means other than the sketchbook) if I switch off the customizations. I think I may have also lost some Gear Coins, as they seemed low after I left a match earlier. I had a situation before where it wasn't registering the gear coins I had earned, but restarting fixed it. Perhaps this is related? Maybe that happened again where it lost what I had earned (I suppose cosmetic unlocks included), but I didn't realize, so this time it saved it in that state because I did something to trigger a save like queuing up for a fight. Edit: Also... I lost maybe 6-7 thousand Gear Coins worth of unlocks to this.