Integration of Charge Battery behavior as a lingering buff for Charge Stone
Currently, from what I understand, Charge Stone has (presumably) unintended behavior that allows for doing things like holding a structure then un-holding it, still allowing the player to continue charging off the structure they no longer have hold on or otherwise allow the player to not be holding the structure after a charge has completed and, in both cases, still retain the charge to use on another structure. This is behavior used in "Charge Battery" techniques. As it stands, there is also additional inconsistency and unintuitive behavior with Charge Battery beyond what is described here.
I suggest that this current behavior be removed and replaced with a 5 second long (or longer/shorter if that amount of time seems too long or too short) lingering of the charge buff after the structure affected by Hold is destroyed or is no longer being held, but only after that structure is fully charged. This could allow for a more streamlined, intended integration of his behavior as a feature that could allow for those that have spent time learning to utilize the current behavior as a fairly large part of their combat style to still have a play style that works in a similar, albeit simplified direction. Ideally, I think this new lingering buff behavior should be combined with some version of previous suggestions for a visual effect that indicates the charge is on the player instead of the structure and have that visual effect linger for the 5 seconds this buff is active.
Note: this may constitute a buff to Charge based play styles not specifically utilizing charge battery type behavior currently, as it more opens up more general usage of charge for a short period after the structure is no longer held.
Thank for your consideration!
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As A Thing is unable to post their opinion here, here is their opinion (also with a screenshot):
"read the post
like the idea
dont like the when structure breaks part
part of charge counters right now is ungrounding/destroying the structure, as otherwise the charge hit remains and that can be very spammable/powerful
itd be too severe of a buff to charge imo"
To me charge is about the connection you have with a structure. When the structure gets destroyed that connection is completely broken as well. I can imagine the charge connection lingering a few seconds when you unhold by your own choice. Unholding by own choice is an extension of your own control. But when it's destroyed there is nothing to feel connected to anymore.
Any outside force breaking your hold connection should disturb the charge connection completely.
That would prevent charge getting a buff.
My reaction is basically keep the only way charge battery works, by an active unhold action. But make it timed instead of permanent, so it's actually a debuff on how it works now.
Musical-Memoirs Yeah... considering this feedback has come from multiple people including yourself, I think if the devs decide to integrate charge battery in some way, it could probably be fair if thy decided to not give the buff off it being broken.
Also in that vein of "charge is about the connection you have with a structure", I kinda think it could be neat to lose the charge if the structure charged from is destroyed. IIRC, L3mmi05 or another individual has previously mentioned something about this idea.
Musical-Memoirs Further thought about intuitive visuals and losing charge if the structure is destroyed: I think it could be nice if we both kept the current or a similar visual around the charged structure, but also have a visual around the player. It could more intuitively imply a connection between the wielder and the structure they are getting the charge from. Then, if the structure is destroyed, they could lose the charge and not get a lingering effect and this could be indicated by both the charge visual on the structure and the player ending immediately. If the player with charge unheld the structure themselves and therefore had the lingering effect, the unheld structure could also retain the charge visual effect until it wears off the player, indicating that if the opponent destroys the unheld structure, the player with charge would immediately lose their charge. Also, If desired, perhaps a subtle line of particles could go between the charged, but unheld structured and the player with the charge.
YourNeighborNat Yeah, I would definitely like that!!! Make us show the connection we have to our rocks!
As a very active Charge Battery User, I'm a big fan of this idea. This would address many of the problems with batteries as they stand right now: It would tone down their strength a bit and make it flow more regularly with the normal charge gameplay, it would help newer players understand the complexities of the stone by unlinking the charge from the structure, and it would (hopefully) fix some bugs concerning negative charges.
An addendum to this Idea that has popped up in the discussion of this on discord is making the power of the charge fade slowly over time, so if you were to use it 3 seconds after initiating a battery, you would only get a 1.4x multiplier instead of the usual 2x
I definitely think that it should have a lingering effect like the one from surge, with particles around the player. Having held a structure for a second without losing control of it should allow you to use the charge effect freely whether you unhold it or not, but it should be intentional. Also will make it more intuitive to new players.
Btw, if my suggestion on having both a charge chambering (called Cracked Charge Stone in my suggestion) and non-charge chambering version of Charge Stone (just called Charge Stone) or something similar is added in addition to this lingering buff behavior, the lingering buff could presumably be added to just the charge chambering stone and not the version without that behavior.
Here is a link to my other suggestion referenced above in this comment: