This idea came from a discussion with grand and deterraleon: right now some players play without shiftstones as a debuff on themselfes, but what if there were actual debuff shiftstones?
It would be crazy cool to have debuff shiftstones (maybe they could let you earn double gear coins while active for some upside?)
Some ideas:
  • Start with 15 hp instead of 20
  • Straight only applies 0.5x force on grounded structures
  • Disable <any move> (could be e.g parry or any structure like wall or pillar or cube)
  • Take 1 more damage from structures that hit you in the head
  • Lose the iron boots effect (take damage from structures you land on top off and break)
  • Get a delay on all poses registering (maybe approx equal to client ping or a set amount to simulate being on client too in a way)
there's so much that can be done with this that also allows high level players to keep challenging themselves even when fighting less experienced players!!