Vive Cosmos controllers not detected/tracking by RUMBLE specifically
I am aware that there are other posts that are claiming to have the same problem, I just thought I would make one to so y'all have as much info as possible.
It started when the cosmetic update dropped. Depending on whether or not I used ViveXR or SteamXR as my openXR runtime my controllers would either be rotated forward by 90 degrees, or not be detected at all respectively (may be reverse order, I don't remember perfectly). However after version dropped, neither openXR runtime will result in my controllers being tracked.
Issue description:
When the game starts, my controllers in-game are mostly motionless and around knee height. There is slight movement when I turn my head side to side, which results in the controllers rotating about a point in-between them. The controllers in-game do not rotate when I rotate my controllers in hand. Finally, the text that explains how to calibrate arm length does not say anything about what buttons to press on each controller. More specifically, the area that would say what buttons to press are empty for both "Right hand:" and "Left hand:". If I were to use Vive lens or SteamVR menu both controllers are tracked fine.
Things I have tried or noticed (note: I have no idea what I'm talking about):
1) Switching between SteamXR and ViveXR runtime does not change behavior.
2) Using the "Reset USB devices" option in SteamVR setting does not change behavior
3) When trying to switch to SteamXR in openXR Explorer the program crashes. It will also crash upon re-launch until I change to ViveXR through the Vive console. Note: SteamXR is not auto-detected by XR Explorer, I manually added the path to "steamxr_win64.json" in the config.
4) When looking at steam controller bindings for RUMBLE (listed as "UNITY APPLICATION" in the GUI) I cannot set the bindings to default. Moreover none of the bindings are actually set to anything. Manually setting the bindings also appears to make no difference but I could also be doing it wrong.
If there is any info about my system you need or if y'all want me to try something let me know.
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Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Merged in a post:
0.4 broke VIVE controls
after the new update 0.4 game doesn't track vive controls at all
i start the game and the hands are just down
if you enable steamVRopenxr and disable Vive openxr hands tracking through steamVR options your hands track but poorly but i supose it could help you a little to understand the problem good luck
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Merged in a post:
HTC VIVE hands not working
The HTC VIVE hands still dont work
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Hey Honkman!
Can you tell me what your VR setup is?
K Beugels - Lead Programmer
Hey there, do you mind if I ask a few questions regarding the issue you are facing?
First of all, which VR headset + controller setup are you using?
And, which kind of software do you use for VR on your PC? (SteamVR, Virtual Desktop, etc.)
SteamVR as OpenXR runtime should handle the Vive headset perfectly fine.