The GC Gremlins Are Back
AFTER I downloaded, I was excited to spend all of my GC I had saved on my outfit. I bought the Poncho of the Devoted and The Disciplined title. However, next time I logged on, my GC were still spent(from about 3000 to about 500) but my poncho and title were gone. My outfit also reverted back even though some of the changes I made were free. After some time(may or may not have been another relog, am not sure) my GC had gone down from about 500, to about 25.
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Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
Hey yiak65,
It seems that items are being bought double. I have now removed the duplicated items and gave you back the price in GC.
Next to that, your save file is at the moment not being corrected by the system, resulting in the system catching up buying the items you're still wearing, but not actual owning. This results in slowly your outfit being bought one by one when you're having sufficient GC.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
That makes sense, I think. Thank you for letting me know what's happening, and for refunding the duplicates. I guess the gremlins have given up stealing and now are being good citizens preventing me from stealing.