Spawning Cube Breaks Flat Wall Client
Been seeing this a lot as of late. Partially due to experimenting with launching objects by spawning a cube underneath them.
The issue occurs when I'm the client in a match. There is a flat ungrounded wall I spawn a cube under. The cube and wall break on each other immediately.
This is in contrast to when I play as host. I spawn the cube under the ungrounded wall and it launches it upwards, or makes it flip if closer to the edge of the wall than the center of mass.
I feel like it is simply another downside to playing as the client of the match. It may be due to a certain level of ping, but that'd be strange due to physics being handled by the host?
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Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
under review
Because of new reproduction steps from Tamrell, this task is under review now.
How to reproduce:
(most reliable on client)
0 - this seems to work on ring only, I havent been able to reproduce on pit
1 - if you spawn a wall and do uppercut (just so there is a free lying wall on the ground, usually I have explode modifier on it also)
2 - then if you spawn a cube underneath it and do a straight (as fast as possible after finishing the cube spawn pose) during the hitstop frames where the cube first touches the wall the wall breaks, instead of getting cube launched
K Beugels - Lead Programmer
I closed this issue because I cannot reproduce it at the moment, it might have been fixed without me knowing somehow.
If this still happens, feel free to post another issue here
K Beugels - Lead Programmer I can confirm it still happens
K Beugels - Lead Programmer
UlvakSkillz: Damnit, hate to hear it, but I will re-open it again lol
How I mainly get it to Proc is Wall>Cube>(Straight>Kick on Wall)
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I've lost so many games to this (trying to cubelaunch -> explode a prone wall and it just breaking from the cube spawn into the explosion throwing me off the map)
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in progress
UlvakSkillz almost 25 seconds of clips where it happens in different ways
UlvakSkillz This message (in discord) shows a cube breaking with nothing above it even and the message below it shows the cube hitstopping the wall above it rather than breaking it. Could be the same bug.
this is all structures in general FYI
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