If I matchmake immediately after a park or another match, the game fully crashes once another match is found.
I can mitigate the issue by making sure to change regions then changing back before pulling the lever again.
This happens too if the matchmaker fails to setup a match, restarts the search and finds another one. Bell rings and the game just closes
Other effects observed though not sure is related:
Matchmaker bell rings, but there is no fadeout and I'm stuck in the gym unable to move.
After a failed matchmaking setup, the gym reloads but my feet are stuck to the ground and I can't jump.
Gym and the arena are overlayed over each other
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Do you happen to use any mods. I'm testing myself without mods and haven't had issue yet. Will queue up a few more times and then try adding stuff back one by one. I'm just curious if there is a specific mod or two that's causing this.
BIVN I've actually been having this problem since before the mods were released for 4.0 so I was dealing with it for a while. I just wanted to figure out the cases where it happened first before I made a post.
I have noticed it's been more consistent recently though so maybe mods have something to do with that. I'm planning to try that today. See how many times I can consecutively enter a queue without region changes without the mods.
Gonna miss Mabel though
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
iListen2Sound: Have you've had the time to try it without mods? I'm curious now, lol.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead) I've been running the game without mods for at least a week now. The game no longer fully crashes but the matchmaker often fails so many times in a row that restarting the game was the only solution anyway. Changing regions around doesn't fix it.
Once, I had to fully reinstall my game because even restarting had the same problem. Only a temporary fix because it went back to the same behavior before the reinstall
I was one of the ones who sent you my log files in Discord a few days ago.
Maarten Braaksma (Project Lead)
iListen2Sound: Okidoki. Thank you! This for sure will be investigated.